The Association of Covenant Spiritual Directors

Our desire in the Evangelical Covenant Church is for individuals and communities to have a deep, abiding life with Christ. Keeping with the strong traditions of our denomination, we consider the formational question in the narrative of our history together: “How goes your walk with Christ?” We believe that a gentle, listening presence can help bring transformation in people’s lives.

The Association of Covenant Spiritual Directors (ACSD) exists to facilitate a broader connection between spiritual directors affiliated with the Covenant.

We provide a team of vetted directors who provide visibility and advocacy for the practice of spiritual direction, support and resource our members, and coordinate shared ministries with regional conference networks.

What is Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual direction is a ministry of listening, discernment, and prayer in a confidential setting of encouragement and compassion. Through this ministry, a spiritual companion listens and helps you discern the presence and work of God’s Spirit in your life. The goal of spiritual direction is to grow closer to God and become the person God created you to be.

Being formed in the likeness of Christ cannot take place in isolation. We need companions for the journey to help guide and nurture our faith to help us discern God’s movement in our lives. Spiritual companions, or “soul friends,” are rooted throughout Scripture—Moses and Joshua, Ruth and Naomi, David and Jonathan, Paul and Timothy, to name a few. Soul friends provide soul care for others.

Becoming a Spiritual Director

The C. John Weborg Center for Spiritual Direction is grounded in the heritage of the Evangelical Covenant Church and offers one of the leading Spiritual Direction Certificate Programs in the Evangelical tradition. In this graduate-level program, you’ll be trained to serve as a qualified spiritual director in the Christian tradition, equipped with the skills to offer a ministry of guidance and prayer in a confidential setting of encouragement and compassion. Your gifts of listening and discernment will be utilized to enable pastors and laity to become the people God created them to be.

Sustaining Pastoral Excellence

Grants are available to Covenant pastors, missionaries, and chaplains and their spouses to explore spiritual direction.

The ECC affirms that our character as Christians – and as ministers – is deeply rooted in a Christ-defined identity that recognizes God’s working in every area of our lives. The Sustaining Pastoral Excellence (SPE) grants are offered with the desire to connect Covenant pastors, missionaries, and chaplains with resources through which they can grow their connection to this working, and ultimately deepen their friendship with God. This is often experienced through the practice of spiritual direction.

Meet the ACSD Council

Christina Burrows
Email Christina
Tammy Long
Vice President, Treasurer
Email Tammy
Meghan Bruggeman
Events Coordinator
Email Meghan
Dave Bonselaar
Membership Coordinator
Email Dave
Ted Nelson
Communications Coordinator
Email Ted
Mitzi Barker
Email Mitzi
Jane Chao Pomeroy
Member-at-Large, ECC Liaison
Email Jane
Pam Cobb
Secretary, ECC Liaison
Email Pam
Rob Peterson
Director of the C. John Weborg Center for Spiritual Direction
Email Rob
Patty Restrepo
Email Patty

Additional support personnel:
Stephanie Murphy (Resource Drive Coordinator) 

For general inquiries and website updates contact: